When you arrive, please line up outside in single file line and maintain social distancing. If you do not need to enter the building, please go straight to our driveway and wait for the instructor to check you in, or you may self check-in using the Zen Planner app.
When you enter class, place your personal belongings on the designated areas. You will be alternating between bags and workout stations spread 6ft apart.
When you are finished training, please exit through the alley, rest up, and we will see you again soon!
Some details to consider beforehand
- Please bring athletic shoes since we will be training on gravel/asphalt.
- We encourage you to come ready to hop into class. Showers are temporarily closed. 1 person in the locker rooms & bathrooms at a time.
- Areas you can place equipment will be marked.
- Bring a water bottle, towel, and extra shirt if needed
- We will have sanitizer and cleaning equipment ready to use in class and after.
- Masks are highly encouraged! Our instructors will be wearing them.